APMH Consumers

Dear Community Member, 

There is an opportunity for 2 consumers to use their lived experience of aged mental health services to be used designing ideal future experiences within the reformed system. 

The context  

The opportunity has a focus on mapping journeys at key transition points across the mental health system with an emphasis on designing ideal future experiences within the reformed system.  

 The project aims to create a visual representation of how people currently experience the mental health and wellbeing system, and to co-design ideal ‘future-state’ experiences of the reformed system.  

 The project has a focus on four representative ‘journeys’ that will inform future planning and action. Each journey will consider consumer experiences, and the experiences of families, carers and supporters. 

The opportunity  

The Department is seeking 2 consumers via The Register to share their expertise at a series of three full-day workshops. You need to be able to commit to the three full days.  

We are looking for consumers with experience with aged persons mental health (APMH) services. This includes people with a longstanding mental illness who are now over 65 years of age, or who have developed functional illnesses such as depression and psychosis in later life. Services used could include:

  • Assessment and treatment services
  • APMH nursing homes and hostels
  • Acute inpatient services

These opportunities are also available for people with psychiatric or severe behavioural difficulties associated with organic brain disorders such as dementia.

More about the workshops

VMIAC will be linking in two consumers, Tandem will be linking in two people with lived experience of carers/supporter or guardians. SHARC has linked in 2 people with histories of substance use.

In the workshops the dept is seeking feedback and input into:

  • create visual representations of how people currently experience the mental health and wellbeing system
  • design ideal ‘future-state’ experiences of the reformed system.

The workshop are held online via zoom and these are the dates and more details:

Date and timeWorkshop themeDetails
Thursday 2 June 2022
9:30am – 4:30pm
All four journeysFull day workshop consulting on the current state for all 4 journeys. 16 participants using lived experience in total
Wednesday 15 June 2022
9:30am – 4:30pm
Two journeys:4 x participants with experience of crisis services and supports for complex circumstances4 x participants with experience receiving treatment, care and support for co-occurring mental illness and substance use and addictionFull day workshop co-designing the future state for only 2 journeys8 participants attending in total(this includes the following 2 participants from VMIAC’s register:2 x participants with experiences receiving crisis supports and supports for complex circumstances )
Monday 20 June 2022
9:30am – 4:30pm
Two journeys:4 x participants with experience of transitioning from youth into adult services4 x participants with experiences of services for older adultsFull day workshop co-designing on the future state for only 2 journeys. 8 participants attending in total(this includes the following 4 participants from VMIAC’s register: 2 x participants with experiences transitioning from youth into adult services2 x participants with experiences using services for older adults)
Tuesday 5 July 2022
9:30am – 4:30pm
All four journeysFull day workshop consulting onfinal review of all future state journeys16 participants attending in total(this includes all 6 participants from VMIAC’s register)

The other lived experience people attending the first and last workshop include:

  • Transition from crisis services and supports for complex circumstances
  • transitioning from youth into adult services
  • receiving treatment, care and support for co-occurring mental illness and substance use and addiction


Participants will receive $435 per day in appreciation of their expertise. 


VMIAC is working with the Department to provide briefing/debriefing. Peer support will be available during the workshops.  

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