The Consumer Perspective Supervision course provides training in discipline-specific supervision (as distinct from line management or clinical supervision), by and for the consumer/peer/lived/living experience workforce, working in Victoria. The training aims to build discipline-specific Consumer Perspective Supervision capability and capacity in Victoria, to build capacity to provide CPS to the consumer/peer workforce.

This course is fully funded and is free. Expressions of Interest (EOIs) will be reviewed by a panel of consumers representing project partners.


The course is open to people who are employed in a consumer/peer worker role in a Victorian state funded mental health service. Priority will be given to those who are currently providing discipline-specific supervision for consumer/peer workers, or this is a requirement of their current role. Others considered will be those who anticipate that they will be providing discipline specific supervision in the future.


• The course is run online on a weekly basis unless there is a session break or holidays. Some sessions are longer than others and there are different start and finish times throughout the course.
• The course will run for 13 weeks of actual sessions usually over a 16-week period. The 16 weeks includes 2-3 holiday weeks and a final evaluation and course celebration event. Some training weeks will incorporate 2 sessions on the same day.
• Sessions range between 2 – 4 hours. Scheduled hourly breaks for 10 minutes are included.
• All course sessions and co-reflection (co-learning) groups are conducted on Zoom.
• There are course requirements regarding attendance at sessions and co-reflection (colearning groups), as well as submission of course work equivalent of 1500 words that need to be met to pass the course and be awarded a certificate. Submitted course work must pass the stated criteria in the student handbook. Students may be offered mentoring support if they are struggling to meet the attendance and/or course work requirements.
• Course dates and times may be subject to changes or to minor variations.

To find out more, please see the Consumer Perspective Supervision Training pages on the Inside Out website here.

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