In 2016 VMIAC, as the peak body for consumers in Victoria sponsored the inaugural Consumer Awards. These awards recognised the significant contribution that consumer workers have made to Victoria over the previous 20 years. We hosted this award again in 2018 to massive success.
This year, in 2021, VMIAC once again, will sponsor an opportunity to celebrate the ongoing achievement of consumers and consumer workers in Victoria. Taking place Friday November 5th, this year’s awards are set to be an exciting online event.
This year there are 5 awards open for nomination, celebrating those consumers and groups that have made a significant contribution to consumer work, either paid or voluntary, and that raises the voice of consumers and contributes to improvement of consumers experiences in Victoria, as well as one nominated award for allies of the consumer movement. We will also be awarding a Lifetime Achievement award, selected by our committee, for those who has made a significant achievement in the advancement of consumer perspective over their lifetime(s).
Nominations Close 12pm Noon Monday 11th October, and please ensure all nominations are emailed to bryony.wilson@vmiac.org.au, with the subject:
VMIAC Award Nomination – Category
Award Nomination Categories.
- Human Rights Award
- This person has worked with a strong Human Rights focus and has contributed to raising or addressing human rights issues experienced by consumers of the Victorian mental health system.
- The Intersectional Advocacy Award
- In addition to experience as a consumer, this person also identifies as CALD, LGBTIQA+ or as has having a disability. They use both their experience of mental health services and lived intersectionality to improve the experiences of consumers in Victoria.
- Consumer Worker of the Year (Clinical Sector)
- Currently working in the community sector, this Award recipient is a consumer who has worked for two years (or more) in the community sector and has made a significant and positive difference to the consumers’ experience of services.
- Consumer Worker of the Year (Community Sector)
- Currently working in the clinical sector, the recipient of this Award is a consumer who has worked for a two years (or more) in the clinical sector and has made a significant and positive difference to consumers’ experience of services.
- Consumer Advisory Group (Clinical or Community).
- This group can be clinical or community, has been operating for a minimum of two years and demonstrates a significant contribution to improving the experiences of consumers of the service.
- Ally of the Year
- A person who has shown outstanding support to the consumer movement.