VMIAC embraces, enables, empowers, & emboldens the lived experience community

The Lived Experience-led Research Toolkit is a collection of resources for researchers doing lived experience-led research and/or partnering, collaborating with, or engaging with mental health consumers.

Our resources are based on consumer principles for consumer leadership and engagement and support researchers to implement best practice in mental health research with consumers.

We welcome everyone involved or interested in research with people with lived experience of mental health challenges to use and share the Toolkit, especially those with lived and living experience with all their diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences. We also welcome your feedback and discussion about these resources and what further resources are needed to support researchers to conduct high quality, lived experience-led research.

Download the complete Toolkit

Included in the Toolkit

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To contact the VMIAC Research team

Seeking VMIAC support or endorsement of your research?

Go to Research Support & Promotion to learn more or submit a request

Are you

  • a person with lived experience seeking support for a research proposal?
  • a PhD student, researcher, or organisation seeking support, partnership, or endorsement for a project or proposal?
  • wanting to promote participation in your research project to people with lived experience?
  • wanting to share your lived experience-led research findings with VMIAC members and other people with lived experience?

We welcome discussion about consumer principles, engaging consumers in research, and VMIAC support, partnership, and endorsement.

Read more in VMIAC’s Lived Experience-Led Research Strategy

To contact the VMIAC Research team

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